Category Archives: July 2009

Thank You for Making Me … Me.

Readers, I have had so (o-o-o-o-o) many things change over the last few months … I just don’t even know where to begin. So many wonderful things are going on in my life. The problem is — I feel like I have really let this blog fall by the wayside. Perhaps, it’s because I have been so busy. Or maybe it’s because it helped me to achieve exactly what I have been seeking.n170501302_31030440_2689275

When I started Eat, Pray, Run, I was at a point in my life where everything had gone awry. I wasn’t happy with my job, my state of mind, my health … a lot of things. It was tough and discouraging, and I knew writing about it was one of the best ways I would be able to make my way through it.

Well, I can truly say that today I woke up and actually said aloud, “I am so happy about my life right now!”

Because I am. I am getting married. I have a fabulous family and fiance. I have a new (totally cool!) job. I have moved to the city I have always (and forever) wanted to live in. I have a renewed zest for personal fitness …

I am pretty dang happy.

I know for sure the need for this blog has come to a close, and I want to end in a place where you (and I) feel content with the journey we have taken. Thank you so much for reading, but most of all thank you so much for teaching me something about me. This journey has been a necessary one; one that has helped to shape the “me” I am today.

Please stay tuned for information on where you can find me writing next. In the mean time, check out my new blog at, Walk This Way.

And, of course, as always, live the life this blog was meant to help you fulfill. Connect with the spiritual you, live a healthy life (mind and body) and never forget — eat lots of good food!  ♥

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Filed under Eat, July 2009, Pray, Run