Tag Archives: running

Funky Tie-Dyed Yoga

I have had several readers ask me to continue sharing my workout plans and fitness tips, so I figured I would fill you in today with a new DVD that I tried this morning.

I kicked off this morning with a 30-minute yoga workout via my new Power Yoga: Strength and Flexibility with Rodney Yee. The DVD is broken into two workouts — strength and flexibility. So, I did the strength section of the DVD.

I liked this workout because it definitely helped me break a sweat, but it was not soooo difficult that the novice yogi could not participate in the workout.

Here’s my question for you: Would you workout next to me in yoga class? These are the funkiest exercise pants I have ever owned, but every time I wear them they make me smile.

After yoga, I went for a run, and I really had to take it slow. I was hurtin’  from a couple days of tough exercise, so I just decided not to push it and move slowly, focusing on my foot movements and swinging my arms. I ran 3.6 miles in 32 minutes which is about 9-minute miles. It felt good to get outside and enjoy the fall weather. Autumn is my favorite season . . . not too cool and not too hot! Just right. (;

But, given the looming winter weather, I am curious: What is your favorite way to stay fit in chilly conditions? Share them here, and I will lend you a few pointers tomorrow!

P.S. Happy Birthday, Lisa! I just love you.


Filed under Eat, Pray, Run, September 2008

Loving the Olympics — And Mr. Phelps’ Abs Are Pretty Nice, Too.

OK, is anyone else OBSESSED with the Olympic games in Beijing. Specifically, Michael Phelps’ abs in Beijing?

Kidding, kidding, honey. Well, not really. But, seriously, I have been having so much fun watching the Olympics, an event in which I have really have not held much interest since the days of Keri Strug and Dominique Moceanu — I loved women’s gymnastics.

But this year I am so inspired by the athletes who are participating in the games. The women’s gymnastics team looks healthy and strong. The USA has a 41-year-old woman, Dara Torres, crushing the age-bias and beating the competition. She became the oldest swimming medalist in Olympic history this past Sunday.

And, of course, swimmer Michael Phelps has made it his job to let people know just how much he rocks. He won his eleventh gold medal yesterday, making him the world’s greatest athlete and far surpassing the nine-medal total other Olympic athletes, like Carl Lewis and Mark Spitz, have held.

I think these people are just the coolest. And watching them makes me so proud of our country and, of course, I want just 1/2 of Dara’s muscle tone, too.

What about y’all? Have you taken a liking to the Olympics? Michael Phelps?

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Filed under August 2008, Eat, July 2008, June 2008, Pray, Run

Taking These Porcelain Babies for a Walk . . . or Run!

I just got back from what started as a walk, but quickly turned into a walk/run. You see, as I was getting ready to head outside today, I knew I didn’t want to go for a full-out run. I was feeling pretty tired and I could feel a ton of lactic acid running through my body.

But then, once I get started, I decided I was going to do a walk/run; often times, quick running sprints mixed with fast-paced walking or light jogging can actually help flush some of the lactic acid out of your body. So, that is what my game plan was tonight.

My exercise path was 4.28 miles and it took me 43 minutes to complete it. I ended with 2 minutes (for a total of 45 minutes) of light walking. It went a little something like this:

*5 min. warm up

*1 min. sprint, 2 min. fast walking (5:00 – 15:00)

*1-mile run (15:00 – 22:55)

*Back to 2 min. fast walking, 1 min. sprint (22:55 – 40:00)

*Ran the rest of the way home (40:00 – 43:00) = 4.28 miles

*Cool down – walk (43:00 – 45:00)

NOTE . . . I have a few rules about a walk/run workout that are the result of my slightly demented runner’s way of thinking:

– I never stop in the middle of the hill; even if it means running a bit farther than the designated 1-minute mark.

– I also never stop at the top of hill.

– Or in front of people.

Combine all of these rules and you will understand why the middle of my workout lead to a one-mile run: I started my “one-minute” sprint at the bottom of a one-mile long hill. Yes, ONE-FREAKING-MILE long hill! More on this hill in Several Reasons Why My Sister Requires Rehab.

But I was glad I did it. I have taught myself to love hills, and conquering this one always feels like such an accomplishment. It just keeps going, and going, and going . . .

One thing I wish I could have changed — my decision to wear black capri pants. I thought the slight drop in temperature would make hiding my porcelain-tinted legs — why show those babies if need not be? — OK, but I was dead wrong. Note to self — no one gives a crap about your legs.

By the way fabulous readers, if you live in an urban area like yours truly, and you cannot exactly drive your car along a sidewalk or dirt path to measure your run, walk or bike, then check out Map My Run. It’s an awesome tool that lets you draw your route on a map or even satellite map of your area. It totally rocks my world!

OK, I gotta shut up and go eat dinner … I’m hungry!


Filed under Eat, June 2008, Pray, Run

A Busy Bee Goes for A Run!

Whew! What a day … I sure was busy as a bee.

But I had a little help, — at least on the food front — so I can’t complain! Dan made some chicken salad for lunch and, let me tell you, it was so dang good! We had to use up some chicken we had, so he used all three breasts, sautéing them in olive oil and mixing in roasted red peppers, celery and assorted spices. He’s the chef in our mini family — can ya tell?!

When it was done, we mixed in some light mayo and put it on some whole grain bread with a few leaves of lettuce. I also had the other 1/2 of my Synergy Kombucha Tea from yesterday.

I have a serious sweet tooth, but I can always tell when I am tired and trying to use sweets as a pick-me-up because I crave more sugar. I had about 1 Tbsp. of chocolate chips while I was throwing together my sandwich.

And then a few more later with my after-lunch coffee. Oops!

Dinner was about 1 cup leftover soba noodles with 3.5 oz. of Trader Joe’s teriyaki flavored tofu on top. I also had a side of broccolini sautéed in olive oil, and a dash of pepper and salt. I don’t have any photos because my camera was being stupid, but it sure was good!

I would still like to see more veggies, but I was happy to get in the large helping of broccoli. It’s tough to add in produce when you are cleaning out fridge the for vacation!

I had so much to do again today, and I almost thought I wasn’t going to get out and exercise. But then, …….

I DID!!!!!!!!!!

Just when I was about to call it a day, I decided I just had to get outside and get moving. The weather was too beautiful and I was sick of being inside. It felt so good to move my legs after sitting for most of the day, and I love a cool night run.

I ran for 32 minutes and a little more than 4 miles. Not too bad considering how tired I was. (:

One of my favorite running tips: USE YOUR ARMS! It’s solid advice from pros around the globe, but I learned it straight from my momma. Let me tell you, you may feel goofy, but pumping your arms makes conquering a hill — or run for that matter — that much easier. It should almost feel as though you are punching the air with your elbows. But don’t use force — we don’t want any pulled muscles here! The simple motion of swinging your arms, however, will loosen muscles and take some of the work away from your poor legs.

I especially love this tip on tired days like today — and so do my legs!!

Well, tomorrow is another day and I am looking forward to it. I already feel better after just two days of making more of an effort toward a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you, by the way, for all of your supportive emails. You guys and gals rock!

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Filed under Eat, June 2008, Pray, Run

Happy Mother’s Day!

What a fabulous day to recognize the women who brought us onto this Earth — our mothers! Give the moms in your life some extra love today — your mother, aunts, sisters, godmothers . . . you know them, so hug ’em and tell them thank you.

TEAM BEKAH finished the Pittsburgh Race for the Cure today! It was rainy, but, nevertheless, just as fun as we expected it to be. What a heartwarming and truly touching event. Stay tuned for photos and more details tomorrow!

In the mean time, check out this story. It’s a little something I wrote for my momma … enjoy!

Again, Happy Mother’s Day!


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Filed under May 2008, Pray, Run

Why a Quickie Can Be a Good Thing

I do love exercise — running and Pilates and yoga and things of the sort. But sometimes, it is just plain old hard to squeeze it in, ya know?

That’s why I was so happy when I found this Perfect Circuit workout in the May 2008 issue of Fitness magazine. Check it out; it is a great strength routine, and really gets your muscles going! The next day, I could definitely feel the lunges and squats in my butt! :

The Perfect Circuit:

WHAT YOU’LL NEED – A pair of 5- to 8-pound dumbbells. The last few reps of each move should be really difficult, so increase weight as needed.

♥ Warm up (walk on treadmill, bike slowly, march in place, jump rope) for five minutes. Then, complete one set of the following:

  • 24 alternating lunges with bicep curls, holding a dumbbell in each hand
  • 20 plié squats, feet turned out to sides, knees behind toes, holding a dumbbell in each hand. As you squat, raise arms straight out in front of chest. Lower arms as you lift back up.
  • Two 45-second plank holds, hands below shoulders, abs engaged, back straight; lift one leg each time
  • 20 alternative reverse lunges, holding a dumbbell in each hand. As you lunge back, lift arms straight out to sides at shoulder height, palms down. Lower arms as you stand up.
  • 20 squats, holding a dumbbell in each hand. As you squat, press dumbbells straight overhead, palms facing forward. Lower arms as you lift back up.
  • 1 to 3 minutes of cardio (such as jogging in place, doing jumping jacks or jumping rope)

Rest for 1 minute, then do another set, switching up the order of the exercises.

Happy exercising!

P.S. I would never wear such derrière-exposing shorts when exercising, but good for her (model) I guess!


Filed under April 2008, Run

How Foodie-Smart Are You?

There was a great Boost Your Food IQ quiz that was featured on MSN yesterday, courtesy of Runner’s World magazine.

I almost aced it — I got a 23 out of 24. Yay for me!

If you have some free time, check out the quiz. Even if you don’t know all of the answers, it provides you with a bunch of good information about nutrition and exercising.

Very helpful!


Filed under Eat, January 2008, Run

Go Hawker A Big One

I am a spitter.

It’s true, it’s true.

I have this awful habit of spitting when I run (and it’s only when I run!), often garnering a grossed-out stare from even the male college student with a beer gut and two-day-old hangover.

But I cannot help it.

My mother, on the other hand, can.

I can make her gag at the mere mention of words, such as “gunk,” “phlegm” and “mucus.” And I am not exaggerating. We once had to pull over the car because my younger brother was coughing up a lung and I told her he “just has a lot of gunk left over” from a cold he had been fighting.

She gagged so much she had tears streaming down her face.

Needless to say, she will not make it very far into this post.

So, she — my mother, that is — calls me the other day and, in a very sharp and direct tone says, “WILL. YOU. PLEASE … explain to me why people think it is OK to spit?! It is so disgusting!”

Well, let me start with first explaining that I, too, think spitting is disgusting. I don’t think many people actually take pleasure in seeing someone launch a big spit wad.

But the urge to spit does sometimes come, however, when one (ahem!) is running or engaging in some kind of rigorous activity. The need sometimes also arises when one is sick, such as in the case of my brother.

I do spit when I run. My sister, the Hulk runner, does as well.

I don’t think spitting is bad (sorry, Mom!). I do think, however, that there must be some restraints, like, “The Five Rules for Hawking a Big One” or something of the sort. I, for one, could have used such a set of rules the other day when I spit in the direction of a synagogue. Keep in mind, I am not the least bit anti-semitic — my fiance is Jewish and I have put forth much time into studying the wondrous religion. I am not so sure, however, that the woman getting out of a car to take her daughter to Hebrew school thought the same thing.

Not good.

This is why, fellow spitters, we need rules. Then, we can avoid death stares from moms trying their best to shield their kids’ eyes all while explaining what “a disgusting habit THAT GIRL” is forcing into their spit-less lives.

So, here they are, “The Five Rules for Hawking a Big One,” or whatever you wish to call them:

1.) Don’t spit in other people’s yards (driveways, general direction). Especially, if they are watching.

2.) When you see a cute guy or girl checking you out, resist the urge to spit until they are out of eye/earshot. Note: You will not score a date with someone who knows the color of your saliva.

3.) Try to keep your daily spits under a certain number. That way, spitting does not become any more of an obnoxious behavior than it already is.

4.) Never, ever spit indoors. Spitting has become such a regular thing when I am running, that I have to fight the need to do so when I am at the gym. There-in lies another reason why I hate running on the treadmill (see “Enough is Enough Already” for more on this subject).

5.) Avoid spitting in front of children. There is no need to pass this habit onto the wee ones.

And so, there you have it. If we all keep these rules in mind, I think we can make it in this world as spitters.

Now, as for the nose-pickers, boy do I have a bone to pick with you.



Filed under January 2008, Run

Several Reasons Why My Sister Requires Rehab

So, I went running with my sister, Amanda, this morning, and here are two things that I now know for sure:

A. I am in worse shape than I thought.

B. My sister is on crack.

It’s true.

She is a crack-smoking, way-too-cheery, swingy-ponytailed, freak.

Here’s the deal. While I have been engulfed in a year of lazy assness, my sister has been running every day, eating healthy crap and completing the Washington D.C. Marine Corps Marathon.

Yep, that’s right, folks. She hasn’t just been running. She’s been running so damn much that I prayed that today – if only today! – would be the day her stupid swishy ponytail just said, “Alright, I’ve had enough!” and fell off.

Then, we could have stopped.

But it didn’t. And, instead, I chose to run one of the hardest hills there is in Pittsburgh because I have an ego problem. That, and the fact that I am a bit of a masochist, did not help my run with Barbie on crack.

Did not help at all.

Of course, instead of being intelligent and starting out slow after taking such a long exercise sabbatical, I decided to go all out. I have never been good at understanding such silly terms as “easing into it” or “beginner” or “sane.”

So, top off my Type-A personality with my juiced up sister and you know that I am just not going to be able to get out of bed tomorrow.

And if the fact that my sister is more athletically-advanced than I am right now is not enough, I must express one more thing to each one of you in order for this psychotic run to seep it’s way into your little brains:

The girl will not effing shut up.

I mean, I am literally begging for air and she is talking to me about the bagels she ate last night. As if I already don’t want to kill her, she is telling me about an activity that I would much rather be engaging in at that moment than running with a blabber mouth.

And then, she keeps talking. And I try to respond. And she talks. And I gasp. And she talks, and talks, and talks. And I search for the nearest person who may be carrying an inhaler.

And then …

we are going downhill.

I feel my naturally-imbedded pace begin to sink in, and I look over to my right at the cracked-up chatterbox.

And I realize what I have been missing.

That pain and hurt, and the feeling of weakness and strength duking it out is one of my favorite things about running.

And running with my sister … Well, I guess I missed that, too.


Amanda finishing her first marathon, October 28, 2007


Filed under January 2008, Run

Eat, Sleep, Eat … or something.

caroline1.jpg Hello! My name is Caroline Shannon.

Once upon a time in a land far far away, I was a runner. I was a health enthusiast and a positive thinker. I was a writer, a vegetable eater, a confident woman . . .

I was pretty dang cool.

I am not sure where my will to roll out of bed when it was still dark or my need to feel my hands on a keyboard were lost, but I think I have a few ideas. Thus, here follows the chain of events that lead to me eating cheese in excess and only using my yoga mat as padding under a sleeping bag when my younger brothers sleep over:

1.) I stopped pursuing my passion, writing. I left my position as a news reporter and took a desk job that I thought would help me make a bit more money. I thought the extra cash would then make me feel more secure when pursuing a full time freelance writing position. It sounded practical, but it turned out awfully. Turns out my desk job is extremely boring — for me — and unmotivating.

Who woulda thunk it.

2.) My counting down the minutes (milliseconds, nanoseconds!) until I have squeezed in enough hours to make a buck has caused me to go home and . . . uh . . . sit on my ass. My excuse is that I need to do mindless things, like watch The Hills, to take away the edge left over from the work day. The real reason that I needed to engage in such “activities” is because doing something like exercising or writing would cause me to think too much. And that would be painful.

3.) Sitting apparently requires eating, and I am not talking tofu and brown rice here, people.

My favorite strawberry print pj’s + a few episodes of good ol’ MTV =french vanilla ice cream with a dash of chocolate gelato, raviolis with meat sauce and an entire bag of holiday (Any holiday! Christopher Columbus Day!) candy.

4.) I have stopped running which, next to writing, is a huge part of my life. This could be due to my drugging myself with sugar before I go to bed, ergo diminishing my want to get up in the morning and exercise; or it could be a result of the fact that I am saving whatever scraps of motivation I have left in my soul to use during the work day.

One may never know.

What I have figured out, however, is that my lifestyle has become unacceptable. My life is begging me to engage in a complete overhaul.

And I am gonna listen this time.

This is not some wacky New Year’s resolution that I am going to forget about the next time I am head-to-head with a pint of chocolate swirl ice cream and a package of Nutter Butter cookies.

I am committing myself to getting back to the Old Caroline and it starts right now. No more “I’ll start tomorrow” talk. I am so sick of me that I am ready to kick the crap out of myself. It’s that bad.

I know I sound all preachy and you are probably rolling your eyes a bit right now. I know this because I am rolling my eyes at myself right now.

But I mean, who can’t use a little overhaul (If you can’t, I don’t like you…kidding, kidding…)? I am hoping that you, too, will learn from my experiences. I plan on sharing it all right here.

My writing, exercise tips, healthy recipes, inspiration, running, black toenails from running…

…you get it.

This is not a blog about how to lose weight or how to get a job or how to find God. This is about total life renewal — to be specific, MY total life renewal. So, live vicariously, and lean on me, and learn from me, and love me, and tell me to get my ass off of the couch!

I am excited to have each one of you on my side as I move forward. And, hopefully, each one of you who are in my shoes – -like, you can smell the stench of my kicks, that’s how much you understand what I am saying — will be challenging yourself to get your act together as well. Or even if you are the slightest, littlest, tiniest bit in need of a change, I hope you, too, will learn from my journey.

I am ready to rock. Are you?


Filed under Introduction, January 2008