Tag Archives: inspiration

Oh, And Here It Is….

Here is the will.i.am video I was talking about earlier today. You don’t even have to look at it from a political point-of-view, just enjoy it for what it is — a message of inspiration. It’s A New Day!!


Filed under Eat, November 2008, Pray, Run

Oh, Me, Oh, My … This Darn Computer!

I apologize so very much for the hiatus. I have been having some major computer issues that have kept me from doing anything properly. ):

I have some work to attend to, and then I will be back later tonight. Oh, and, by the way, today is Day 30 of my Challenge!! I will be back to update you on my progress and, of course, I think I owe you a few extra entries. So, lets say we make it a 33-day challenge to make up for the last few days?

Talk to you soon!

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Filed under Eat, July 2008, Pray, Run

Thought for the Day!


“It only takes one person to change your life — you.” – Ruth Caseybabyclapping.jpghappyoldwoman.jpg


Filed under April 2008, Pray

Because True Beauty Does Not Have to Hurry … Ever.

susangkomen1.jpgI have wrote before about a favorite quotation of mine in which Poet Rainer Rilke says, “Go into yourself and see how deep is the place from which your life flows.”

I know for sure that I am not yet there, not even close; I have yet to delve deep enough into the waters that constitute my being.

That being said, I can very easily feel and touch the people in my life who have made their way into that deepest part of my soul — and Bekah is one of them.

I wrote about Bekah, a 23-year-old woman battling Hodgkin’s Lymphoma for the second time, in a post the other day. Through her thoughts and writings in life, and on her blog, Bekah continues to inspire me and people all over the globe every day. In an effort to honor her truthfully beautiful spirit, my family, friends and I have formed a team for the 2008 Susan G. Komen Pittsburgh Race for the Cure. Our team, Team Bekah: True Beauty, Never Hurries, will be raising money to help fund research for breast cancer, and will be doing so in Bekah’s name (see sidebar on this page).

If you are in the Pittsburgh area, join Team Bekah: True Beauty, Never Hurries today! Come join us on race day, May 11, 2008 where you can run, walk or yell really loudly from the sidelines — we just want to see your faces! And if you cannot make it, sponsor a member of Team Bekah today by making a contribution. You can even visit my personal page and make a gift that will go toward my fund raising goal of at least $500; our team fund raising goal is $5,000!

Please support me, my team, Susan G. Komen and the lovely beauty for whom we all walk and run, Bekah, in this race!!

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure raises money to fund education, screening and treatment programs for these women and thousands of others in our own community and supports the national search for a cure.



Filed under March 2008, Pray, Run

Beautiful Body, Face — And a Brain That Tops It All

christyturlington5.jpgI understand the generalities that go along with the word “supermodel,” including statements like, “Beauty, but no brains” and “Yeah, I’d look like that, too, if I starved myself.” We all have a hard time understand how these girls don’t have an ounce of cellulite on their butts. But I recently put together a profile of supermodel Christy Turlington for Her Active Life, and I discovered that she is actually way more than just a pretty face!

A quick lowdown:

In 1999, after spending more than ten years in the world of fashion couture, Turlington stepped away from life as an icon, and began to find peace amongst the crazy world of fame. Since then, she has earned her degree from New York University, battled an early diagnosis of emphysema, started her own skin care line, participated in anti-smoking campaigns and become an absolute yoga buff.

I was very much so inspired by Turlington’s story, and I hope you will be, too. Check it out by clicking here.



Filed under February 2008, Pray

Leaning on the World’s Best Models

secretlifeofbees2.jpgThroughout my life, I have had so many fantastic role models — my mom, dad, Godmother, siblings and the many authors whose work I cherish, including Sue Monk Kidd, Elizabeth Gilbert, J.D. Salinger, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Jane Austen.

What’s more, so many of my role models have helped to make me the strong woman I am today. As part of a new column I am working on for Her Active Life, I will be featuring famous women who have created a positive image from which women around the world have found inspiration.

Check out my first feature which takes a close look at Reese Witherspoon, one of my favorite actresses. She just seems like she would be in everyday life exactly how she is in movies — a total sweetheart!

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Filed under February 2008, Pray